
  • Apologies,  Bullshit,  Media Criticism,  Opinion,  Pandemic 2020,  Sports,  Television

    The Bubble is a Metaphor: the Strange Pleasure of Sports in a Pandemic.

    Edit: So this article aged hilariously fast, didn’t it? Apologies for how immediately wrongheaded this article proved to be. I stand by the parts that are still both accurate and relevant. I’ve been watching a lot of hockey and basketball lately. That is not my attempt to excuse the utter lack of content I’ve been posting to this site for the last couple months. That gap occurred because all my writing time and thought were dedicated to finishing an agent-ready draft of my novel (which I have now done, so get at me agents!), and I didn’t want to waste your time and mine with some half-assed post neither of…

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  • Apologies


    This is simply a quick message to apologize for the lack of new posts both last Wednesday and today. I was at the BLM protests last week and didn’t have the time to write an article I felt was worth the time you would have taken to read it. Then, yesterday, a family tragedy occurred that is honestly still fucking with me in a major way. And once again I do not have either the time or (more importantly in this case) the mental energy to create an article that is worth your own time and effort in reading it. I apologize for this gap and promise a new article…

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